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time to call it a day 下班的时间到了,是下班的时间了,即:是一天的工作到此为止的时间了
下班时间:quitting time: leaving time: off duty time,off work time.time to call it a day.

come/be off duty
get off duty;
come off work;
released from duty
finish work
stop work
Let's call it a day!
ring out,下班
不过ring out the old year and ring in the new 表示:辞旧迎新
如果你是刷卡下班,you can say "cluck out".
问你什么时候下班的时候,可以说:What time do you knock off?
My wife has been very upset about my bad habit of staying late at work. 我太太对我喜欢晚下班的坏习惯很不开心。

To call it a day指的是一天工作到此为止。
"Let's call it a day". That means: let's stop working for today and go home.

To "call it a day" just means to decide it is time to quit working, and to relax or go home. Now I think we should call it a day and go get something to eat.

For example: We've got so much news to handle today that I didn't even have time to have lunch. Now I am going to call it a day and go home to have a good rest.

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