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Project Documentation
1.1 Each project document will follow the below file naming convention;
Project_ YYMMDD _ Author _ WP Ref-Subject _ Status
项目_年(两位数)月(两位数)日(两位数)_ 作者 _ 工程包 参考主题 _ 状况
1.2 Project: client name or code or project number. Use XYZ Company for internal documents.
1.3 项目:客户名或编码、或者项目编号——内部文件用XYZ Company。
1.4 YYMMDD: Year/Month/Day
1.5 年(两位数)月(两位数)日(两位数):年/月/日
1.6 Author: three letter shortcut of document author
1.7 作者:文件作者姓名的缩写的三个字母
1.8 Subject: description of file content. Please refer to specific subject description within work package and or procedure file naming
1.9 主题:文件内容说明。请参照工程包和/或文件命名规程内对具体主题的说明
Status: revision number
1.10 In case of revisions or required changes on the file, the original author shall not be changed. The data shall be updated and a revision including revision author shall be added, if different to the original author.
Specific Subject Description
Work Package File Naming
1.11 Work Package #: The Work Package # (i.e. M01) relevant to the item of documentation and description of subject (i.e. package definition)
1.12 工程包号 #:与文件的内容相关的工程包号#(如M01)以及主题说明(如包的定义)
Procedure File Naming
1.13 Each procedure document will content the following name convention within the subject description;
XX – YY – Z - <NAME> _ revision
XX – YY – Z——<名称> _ 修订
1.14 High level definition;
XX = Department (EN, PR, CM, CN, CH, PC, SE, QA, SA, GM)
XX = 部门(EN, PR, CM, CN, CH, PC, SE, QA, SA, GM)
YY = Topic Sequence Number (01, 02, etc)
YY = 标题顺序号(01、02等)
Z = Document Type (Plan, Procedure, etc)
Z = 文件型式(计划,规程等)
<Name> = Name of Document
<名称> = 文件名称
1.15 Detailed definition - Department;
EN = Design
EN = 设计
PR = Procurement & Contracts
PR = 采购和合同
CM = Commercial
CM = 商务
CN = Construction
CN = 基建
CH = Commissioning & Handover
CH = 调试和移交
PC = Project Controls
PC = 项目管理
SE = Scheduling
SE = 计划
QA = Quality
QA = 质量管理
SA = Safety
SA = 安全
GM = General Management
GM = 综合管理

1.16 Detailed definition – Topic Sequence Number;
EN: (Design)
01 = Operations Plan
01 = 营运计划
02 = Design Report Out Format
02 = 设计报告发出格式
03 = CADD Management
03 = 计算机辅助设计管理
04 = Space Management
04 = 空间管理
05 = Review & Verification
05 = 审阅及核实
06 = Management
06 = 管理
07 = Closeout
07 = 结束

CM: (Commercial)
01 = Commercial & Procurement Plan
01 = 商务和采购计划
02 = Cost Control
02 = 成本控制
03 = Project Billing
03 = 项目开单
04 = VAT Refund
04 = 增值税退款
05 = Change Control
05 = 变更控制

CN: (Construction)
01 = Control of Sub-Contractors
01 = 分包商的控制
02 = Materials
02 = 材料
03 = Quality Control
03 = 质量控制
04 = Inspection/Tests/Defects
04 = 检查/试验/缺陷
05 = Work Package
05 = 工程包
06 = Clean Build Protocol
06 = 洁净室施工要求

CH: (Commissioning & Handover)
01 = Commissioning Plan
01 = 调试计划

PC: (Project Controls)
01 = Document Control
01 = 文件控制
02 = RFI
02 = 信息申请
03 = Submittal
03 = 提交
04 = IT Infrastructure
04 = 信息基础设施
05 = IP Security
05 = 知识产权安全
06 = Change Control
06 = 变更控制
07 = Project Closeout
07 = 项目结束

SE: (Scheduling)
01 = Scheduling Plan
01 = 进度计划
02 = Development
02 = 发展
03 = Control & Management
03 = 控制和管理
04 = Change Control
04 = 变更控制
05 = Closeout
05 = 结束

QA: (Quality)
01 = Maintenance of Project Procedures
01 = 项目规程的维护
02 = Quality Documentation
02 = 质量文件
03 = Non-Conformance
03 = 不一致
04 = Corrective & Preventative Action
04 = 纠正性和预防性措施
05 = Internal Quality Audit
05 = 内部质量审查
06 = Vendor Assessment & Audit
06 = 供应商评估和审查
07 = Preparation of Inspection & Test Plan
07 = 检查和试验计划的准备
08 = Closeout
08 = 结束
09 = Roles & Responsibilities
09 = 职位和责任
10 = Training
10 = 培训

SA: (Safety)
01 = Introduction
01 = 介绍
02 = Contractor Responsibilities
02 = 承包商的职责
03 = Special Provisions
03 = 特殊条款
04 = Rules of Conduct
04 = 行为准则
05 = Site Security
05 = 现场安全
06 = Safety & Health Standards
06 = 安全和健康标准
07 = Safety Monitoring
07 = 安全监督
08 = Substance Abuse Screening
08 = 物资滥用监察
09 = Appendices
09 = 附件

GM: (General Management)
01 = Organisation
01 = 组织机构
02 = Reporting
02 = 报告
03 = Communication
03 = 沟通交流
04 = Risk Management
04 = 风险管理
05 = HR/Administration
05 = 人力/行政管理

1.17 Detailed definition –Document Type;
A = Plan
A = 计划
P = Procedure
P = 规程
R = Report
R = 报告
F = Form
F = 表格
C = Checklist
C = 检查清单
L = Log
L = 记录
X = Other
X = 其它
1.18 Detailed definition –Name;

The Name of the document will be decided by the author, but should provide detail as to the documents content, i.e. “Document Storage”.

1.19 Detailed definition –Revision;
The revision of the document will be noted at the end of file naming structure, to allow ease of sorting electronic files, and will be noted as a lower case “r” with the revision number, starting at “00”.

1.20 All project e-mails being sent to a source outside of XYZ Company shall follow the below convention for naming;
所有从XYZ Company 公司发往外部的项目电子邮件都应按照下述惯例命名:
Subject: Work Package Ref. No / Description of Message
主题:工程包参考号 / 信息说明
 The Subject line will include the Work Package reference number, relevant to the e-mail content, i.e. C01, F24, etc.
 Following the back slash a brief overview of the message content will be included, i.e. Weekly Report, Certificate of Payment, etc.


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