今天是: 125年3月14日 星期五
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歌曲名:《So in love》《爱在哈佛》的主题曲
Spring, summer, falling winter dream
Those are shinning like a star
They keep whispering,
“I’m so in love with you”

Spring, summer, falling winter love..
It is breezing to my heart
and it keeps telling,
“I’ll make you rainbow smile”

I remember when we were angels,
when we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
just like a snowy christmas
I wish I’d have them always..
Every step I make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life and
missing friends of my time
I Wish I’d have them all..

Spring, summer, falling winter days..
we’ve been sharing all the hearts
love shines in my eyes
love just won’t fade away


If you’d all the way show me the world
Where I will stay in love
All my days will be white
Just like a snowy christmas
You’re just all I need

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